The Challenge

Biodiversity is the foundation of human well-being and prosperity. The magnitude and scope of the biodiversity crisis facing us call for innovative ways to deal with conservation challenges. There is a greater need than ever to devise powerful tools to effectively engage society in conservation issues. Educating people inspires them to take informed conservation action, support sustainable tourism activities, promotes respect for cultural diversity and improves the welfare and livelihoods of local communities. 


Ecotourism is a travel experience that first and foremost, helps travelers come to a better understanding of unique natural and cultural environments. This creates a symbiotic relationship between tourism and conservation efforts. Eco-tourism is defined by its sustainable development results. They include:

1. Minimizing negative impacts of tourism.

2. Conserving natural areas and educating tourists about conservation as a key component of sustainability.

3. Maximizing benefits to the local community through capacity building and economic empowerment.

These form a valuable pathway to transform the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of tourists through first-hand encounters with nature. Humans possess an innate tendency for positive emotional engagement with nature. We tap into this potential through well-designed actionable information. Effective messaging should show nature as a resource and present conservation issues in connection with related political, social and economic factors. This nurtures meaningful and enduring relations between people and nature beyond the tour experience.

What we do..

To protect biodiversity, it is imperative to create alternative economic opportunities for the people who depend on biodiverse ecosystems. We aim to educate the tourists and the community on the importance of conserving the environment by clearly demonstrating the negative effects of its degradation. 

We offer guided tours which have proven to impart a significantly higher level of connectedness to nature. This creates a deeper awareness on the importance of protecting it. We believe tourism offers concrete opportunities for green and inclusive growth. We, therefore, aim to include low-income communities into the value created by our tourism-based conservation efforts and incentive structures. Our focus is to deliver exciting, memorable and purposeful tourist experiences and contribute in building a sustainable economy that benefits local people in the long term.

“We are called to assist the earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own. It is our collective responsibility to give our children a world of beauty and wonder.” Wangari Muta Maathai

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